Friday 14 January 2011

I wrote this story- I'm not finished yet- sneak peak

We all love our last year of High School, no more lower school, and hello future adulthood. Although I'm not that excited to separate from my best friends since we'll be going different Sixth forms. I will still see them. No matter what. I thought so at the time. My teacher's advised me from the beginning of the year that this is going to be an intense year, arguably harder than anything I have ever done. In the summer I was to take 24 exams. I make sure I revise every day and prepare myself for those final exams. My name is Jaz, short for Jasmine, I love tea, and I hate with my heart injustice, I hope to study Law and psychology in university, and thrive to become a forensic/ criminal psychologist. Everything seemed to go perfectly for me. No drama since I began year 11, I assumed it's because in general I am a warm and bubbly person. Until this last semester. There's this group of girls in my Law class that feel the need to be rude and comment on anything they like. The moment you talk back or defend yourself, is the moment war begins. The best and most rational thing to do is to ignore then. Right? Well it's not as easy as that. Siobhan for instance, stares at me and looks at me like I frustrate her every living bone. I've never really had a personal conversation with her for me to know her, so I don't understand why she hates me? I've always ignored her until this semester when she walked into class with a diet Pepsi in her hand, sat beside me and stared at me. I have never felt as awkward- in a really bad way- as I did that very moment. My teacher called out "Siobhan sit in your seat" and I hesitated if I should speak to her. I'm not scared to say what I feel, neither am I scared of a bully like her. I asked her why she's gleaming at me with her eye's popping out like she just cut me into pieces in her head. She kissed her teeth and walked back to her seat. War has begun. I keep a large group of friends in school, and a small circle outside school. My best friend- really my sister is Imogen Wright. We've never had a serious argument where we stop talking for a while, and we don't like being too attached. She goes to a different school, and lives just down the road from me. Our parents met before us, when we moved to the neighbourhood, and that's how we became friends. We were always around each other when we were younger but for some reason we never noticed each other, or spoke. For instance during the Netball league challenge for the year 5's in our local council annual match, me and her were both centre position, and we played so intense we scored a draw. They took a picture of the two winners and published it on the borough paper. My mum posted it on Facebook and till now we laugh at those days we didn't know each other, yet now we're inseparable. Siobhan walked past me in class and "accidently" she claims dropped the can of pepsi on my text book. I didn't think she was intentionally doing this and gave her the benefit of the doubt. I cleaned the mess up, and kept her thinking I am a fool. Little did I know they were all laughing at me. She apologised of course, the entire class was watching. At the time I thought her apology was sincere, or I excused her. But it was a patronising apology. Demeaning me. I only realised then. War has begun.


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