Wednesday 30 April 2014

How to find Love

In my recent discovery I have found that you will not find something that is in front of you, unless you stop searching high and low. The same applies for love. We all want that security, and comfort, the love and warmth daily. But, to go out into the streets, desperate and eager to stumble upon Mr Charming won’t benefit you. Honestly. I have lately been digging the roots as to how and why I should find myself Romeo, but in my attempt I discovered the misfortune behind it. Truly. There is love. I do have the optimism to believe it exists. It does. Some say it’s rare. I believe it’s something that you have to build. But the lust has to be natural. The infatuation has to be persistent. And lastly, the comfort between the two has to be in-rooted.

My imagination of ‘Love’ was: *PICTURE THIS*- A blurry pink-faded background with flowers and hearts decorated beautifully, a shining aura of happiness and scent. I envisaged me to be happy, laughing, and cute, whilst he is teasing me, tickling, and funny. I over-dose my thoughts in an opium of love.

SNAP out of this excruciating fantasy I told myself recently, this doesn’t exist. No. It’s purely a teenage wish. Of course I do want the pink faded blurry realism of love that I imagined it to be like, however, it comes in its own time. Love isn’t something that can be chased, rather we walk towards it.

To me, it is as though we are all prepared before we find love, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The decree of love stumbles upon us once we have discovered, learnt and grown.

Thus, I figured. To fall in love you have to cue in the line. Then join the lessons, fail, re-try, then pass, and then like a building that needs no limit- build till the stars. Yes. This is me sounding so cheesy even France would refute me. But, I won’t admit that this is my view on how to find love.

If you need to camp out whilst waiting>


Firstly, I do need to my Mr right. I will let God bring me him in its due time.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Life changing, words of the unforgettable love surrounding me!

"Even though its hard, we just gotta see what's written for us. Its destiny. You need to think deep, read in between the lines. Why should we get upset? why what's the point? what are we gonna get out of it? nothing.

She knows who she is, and she is honestly such a good friend. Can tell when I am sad, what I need to hear, all this time, I was blind, it was right underneath my foot.
Sometimes, in life, our answers are there, we need to search, dig, and open our eyes.
♥♥♥♥♥THANK YOU :')

Friday 25 April 2014

Thursday 24 April 2014

Wednesday 23 April 2014

I am Walking Zombie, super tired of this.

Today was a hectic day.
Firstly I slept last night at 5:30am! and woke up at 7AM!
I never skip breakfast, but had to have tea and run out!
And face my worst nightmare...DUN DUN DUNNN... joke, but my worst teacher student situation... on another upcoming blog.
And so my friend and neighbour called me to come over, and I need some TLC!!!
Just as I was about to leave, my little brother's friend came running to me with a bleeding ear!
I, being a soon to be pediatric, ran to help him, and cleaned him up (First aid training, thank you v.much)
And few, that was sorted, then as I now was about to leave, my sisters and I decide to laugh and have jokes, then it turns into booty shaking competition. HAHA you can imagine...

And finally, I escaped...UNTIL I had to walk my brother's friends home, (Just a little walk)
Then I went to her house, and few, knocked, waited, knocked again, pressed the doorbell, and waited, and waited, and just as I was about to leave, they open. Well hello.

We went inside, and they ordered PIZZA!!! PERFECT TIMING.

Thennnnnn, she was in a not-so-happy mood, and I felt really in need of attention, laughter, and silliness, and instead there was a lot of distance, silence, and occasional laughter inbetween the singing outburts we had. I love my friends, they are honestly inspirational, each and every single one. But I feel like I always know when something is wrong, and spend my all to help that person, and just once, sometimes, I need someone to look at me, lol, I dont intend to sound like a needy brat, but honestly, I want that reassurance that I dont have to always bottle everything inside.
I do have this 2 friends, they dont understand how much they means to me, always knows when something is wrong with me,they spends every wakening hour with me in school, and they truly amazing. I need a hug, and to tear up, and to speak. But for now, only my invisible audience on my blog can share my nonesense emotions.

So I was walking home, in the rain, and this darkness of a weekday, a beautiful pathway from her block to mines, the street lights dimmed away with my watery blinking eyes, and my over-contemplating mind.
Here's my photography shot.

Goodnight finally.

Monday 21 April 2014

Made in Chelsea

Pretty much how we all feel about Alex in made in Chelsea! How can he do that to binky? 

And YOU CHESKA.. Don't walk away, when you interfere, you ruin, just like you ruined Fiona and Shreks relationship you go and do this... Lol joke- just some banter from twitter 

Saturday 19 April 2014

The Indigo Child and How to Recognise one

What is an indigo child?

Google says: Indigo children, according to a pseudoscientific New Age concept, are children who are believed to possess special, unusual and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities.

How do I recognise one?

1-They have a feeling about themselves, that they are important, and often act like it, usually in the things they say, speaking from an experience they often haven't ever had.
2-The Indigo child does not always have high self esteem, but usually knows who they are before anyone else has ever figured them out. They usually recognize that they are different.
3-Indigo Children have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice)
4-One of the key "ingredients" of the Indigo Child, is that they are highly creative, and extremely intelligent. If they cannot be creative in the way that they think, or do something, they will fall to the clutches of our boring ritual oriented lives. These children often have new ways of thinking, and doing the same things we have been doing for years. If we open up and just listen, we will hear and see things that will amaze us.
5-Often these children come off as loners, however it is only because they rest on a different plane than the average child. Conversations with children that are not like them, are often hard to comprehend. This might be the child who would prefer to work alone on a challenging puzzle, than playing house with another child. They are always seeking betterment, without realizing it. They are not like others, and have a difficult time expressing themselves - it takes a lot out of them.
6-10. Indigo Children are not shy in letting you know what they need.
Typically these children know what they need, even before they understand why they need it. Don't always say no. Listen to their reasons for wanting or needing something. Don't always assume that they have normal childhood tendencies, expect that they have valid reasons, and try to understand them.

Now the question is, Am I an indigo child?

I feel like, I fit into the boxes, and doing some research, scary thought. But I see resemblence.

To be honest, my answer is, and only is, that I have filled this void growing up. I felt confused as a child. Did terrible things in the path of searching for something, I was hurt, upset, no one understood, and now I have experienced, and learnt. I now possess, the key, the gift, and treasure. Do you want me to share with you? And will you believe me, how beautiful this light has transformed me, it has given me all sorts of answers, opened the door of creativity and connection, a spiritual path of happiness and reform...Do you want to know how my wrecked alien being returned home without fixing the wreck? Do you wish to stumble with me a path of rocks and beautiful view, to capture the sunrise and sunset at its finest? Come, have a look.

I dont wish to be selfish... And I am merely dragging this sentence on for a reason, the reason for this delay is because the gift is hard to accept. Some people are blinded from seeing it's true essence, and other people have interpreted the golden design of it's beauty wrongfully in an attempt to impatiently and frustratedly seek it's comfort. But like a wise person will tell you, in patience lies sight to see, and in opening your eyes, with magnificent intention to see it's beauty, and an open heart, fulfilling the steps ordained to access the key, you will receive its bounty.

Okay prepare. You are here for a reason, continue this fate...

Well,since you read on, and you want to find this solace. This change, and this door of bliss... (BTW it's not heaven ahha)
I did once however try to go to the other side of the rainbow. Still figuring that one out. Omd I need to do my homework...


Back to my point, you have to watch this video, inside this video, somewhere deep inside, you have to capture the true meaning, not the image you already hold, but it's power, with an open eye, you will see in the build of, the key. And where it lies.

Good luck.
This key is for all of us, you're not special to keep it to yourself, however you get your own one, as you build it.

Re-Read this blog now.
Okay did you re-read?
Here's the gateway to the key, you MUST faithfully finish the video patiently, humbly, and receive it's key.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Saturday 12 April 2014

Look what the week dragged in

So this Easter Half term, I needed to get gritty nitty with revision, for my final semester, and final exams out of high month...37 days to be precise.

When oppertunities come my way, I grab it. And I had the chance to go on my first ever camping trip.
A weekend break, away from stress, and nature's reserve, activities, and fun. Sounds like my kinda fun.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Quick story I wrote, updated it on Wattpad...FOLLOW ♥

**Chapter 1**
It's usually not this quiet at this time of the night, there are only 5 of us in my family, and each person has a loud character, maybe I’m the quiet one?
I sat on my bed, that’s decorated with pink and purple fairy lights circulating the roof of the room. My bed has a lilac bed sheet, and lots of cushions and teddies mounted on it. I guess I am girly, and I love decorations and being artsy fartsy. My room is simple, yet stuffed with a neat interior, of pink, purple, and white décor. The lighting was dim, giving off a warm cosy atmosphere, and my balcony door was slightly open, welcoming in the nights summery breeze.
I hesitated, considering to go downstairs and check on the family. Why are they suddenly so quiet? So I put my drawing pad and pencil down on the bed, and got up, walked towards the door, and listened. Nothing. Usually 9 O’clock is the time for my brothers to start a fight about the remote, my sister should be on the phone walking around the house, pretending to be so social and popular, my mum yelling at my brothers to prepare for sleep, and my dad somehow fixing something that isn’t really broken-nor needs any mending. But I heard nothing.
I left my room, and walked down the corridor towards my sister’s room. She wasn’t in there. Now I became really anxious, and speeded up my walking, rushing down the stairs. “MOM?” I yelled out, hoping they’re pranking me, or left a note saying where they are. I walked around the living room, attempted to find the situation funny and searched behind the curtains sarcastically. Nothing. I ran to the kitchen, the guest room, the toilet, and finally into the back yard. Nothing. Not even the TV was left on, which scared me the most, as my brothers have a habit of leaving it on, and we all do to be honest, it makes the person who is at home feel like they’re not alone.
I quickly locked all the doors, and turned the TV on, trying to make sense of the situation, and bringing a sense of comfort by flickering through the channels. I wasn’t scared. Come on, I am 17, and I have been home alone before. But the annoying thing was, no one told me where they went. I had dinner with them downstairs just an hour ago, and went upstairs to finish on my design project.
I picked up some Cheetos crisps from the table, and walked upstairs to find my phone, maybe I should call them. Half way through the stairs I heard a noise. I froze. Dropped the bag of crisps. Listening, and not chewing, I stood still, erect, nervous. Then I heard a muffling noise, like people speaking. However I wasn’t sure if it was coming from the backyard, or upstairs. I bent down and sat on the step. I have never used my ears like this, so careful and attentive.
The noise didn’t sound harmful, it sounded like there was jokes and banter being made, but from upstairs for sure. So I laughed, what a fool I was for being so scared. It was probably one of my brother’s ideas, to scare me, ha! And now they baited themselves out. I was wearing a night dress, and my hair was tied up messy because I wanted to go to sleep soon. But I didn’t care if I was half naked, it was only my family upstairs trying to prank me. I got up and stormed into my brother’s room, but the lights were off. Quickly I turned it on and scanned the room to find no one, just their messy room. So I bounced into my parent’s room and laughed “Ha-ha, got you now!” but to my surprise, Nothing. And by now that noise, those people, there was nothing, just silence again. Once again I became anxious, and a little tired. Most of all scared. Who was playing with me? Where are they?
I walked into my room scratching my head, confused. I sat on my bed that faces the door, and my back turned towards the balcony. I grabbed my phone, and sent a text saying “this isn’t funny, come out. Where are you!!!” to my sister. Hoping she will cut this boring and dragging joke. I love my family, we are very close, and really comfortable in expressing ourselves. Other people think we’re weird. Hence why I assume my family would prank me like this. I waited a few seconds for a reply, and when I got tired I threw my head back on the bed to lay down. Sigh.
Whilst looking behind my head, I noticed something strange. My balcony was closed. I left it open earlier, and it’s humid outside. The wind could possibly not have closed it. I laid there confused, and staring outside, lying upside down. A bright light began to shine from the balcony. The blinds were half closed, and only the bottom of half was revealing outside. My eyes popped open. I thought maybe it was passing by cars shining their lights. No. It isn’t something supernatural, because I am sure it’s just one of my brothers playing a prank, their all probably hiding outside my balcony, trying to make me think there are aliens in my balcony. No. This was strange. What is it? The light was shining bright yellow, sort of golden, and would glimmer. I had to squeeze my eyes to see better, now my entire room was giving out radiant colours full of aurora. My knees became weak, and I was shaking, trembling to be precise. I forced footsteps towards the door, putting on my brave face and ready to see who this idiot scaring me is. Just in case this is actually serious I put my phone on voice note recording mode, hopefully to capture whatever this joke will end like.
I walked slowly, and had a steady balance, my eyes squinted and came close enough. Ready to lock the balcony from the inside, and then open the blinds. First locking. Done. Then opening the blinds to see what awaits me. My breathing stopped, I was holding my breath, seeking silence to record any noise I hear. Nothing. I stood there, let out a huge gasp. A sigh of relief. Staring far into the balcony, I saw nothing. I went to the edges of the door and tried to look as far as I could see. Pressing my cheek against the window. Nothing. But this only startled me. Where is that light? I turned quickly to glance at my room, which was now back to darkness. ***(To be continued)

Thursday 3 April 2014