Saturday 20 December 2014

Wednesday 17 December 2014

FUNNY/WEIRD bus conversation!

So i was sitting on the bus, minding my own business, yadda yadda, listening to my kray thoughts, until this man comes on the bus, and he sits behind me. And ofcourse i paid him no attention, he is just a passing stranger amongst the many odd strangers, and then i was lost back into my own thoughts, and he started asking this lady beside him questions

Man: How old are you?

And if that was me i would be freaked out, and i'd think in my kray head Why do you need to know?
But this lady was funny because she has the best humour ever.

Lady: Silent for a while.

Man: I aint crazy, how old are you?

At this point i would think he is flirting, but he was persistent he wasn't flirting... listen to this

Man: I am conducting a random study to see how old each lady on a bus next to me is, sorry to sound weird.

AHAHAHA i would cry of laughter.

Lady:Please don't tell anyone, okay? Promise!!?

Now i was thinking oh she doesn't want anyone to know her age, maybe she is afraid of ageing, so i glanced back curious to judge her into an age catagorie, but i couldnt tell, maybe 20's could be 30's.

Man: I wont!

Lady: I am His real mother, i never died.


Man: And i am his father, but i never died.

LAdy: Harry will live.

MAn; Amen.

Then there was awkward silence, because not just me, but everyone else was so confused, was there a camera crew?

She took out some stick from her bag, and he clapped. She got up, and walked to the door, and he followed clapping. it felt like a circus. Everyone was astounded.
Then they literally started hugging each other, and he was crying, and she blurted out, "I am only 26!" And he laughed. Then they got off and everyone on the bus looked SHOCKED.

I thought this was all soo funny, until i realised maybe she was a witch? She hypnotised him, and i thought and thought and got so curious, and eventually CAME TO THE CONCLUSION she was probably mentally deranged, orrrrrrrrrrrrrr they might be Harry Potter's real parents that are alive.


Comment on what u think guys

Saturday 29 November 2014

Girly time!

How girly are you!?

One thing i have noticed is HOW GIRLY i can be, though at times i am far from it (I HATE SHOPPING & NAIL POLISH) unless i know what i want ofcourse!
My Uni friends and I had a girly sleep over!! Woop!

-Makeup sesh?






It was amazing guys, honestly...


Monday 17 November 2014


Well, for starters it is DIFFERENT.
Especially to me, because i just graduated from a highschool that i spent a long ass 7 YEARS in, and it was bor-ing!!!
But now I travel everyday underground, into Central London, amongst so many different people, I dissapear in the crowd. It's fun. Being a new-bie when i was the old-bie before.

Anywhoo, my course is pretty intensive, anatomy, psychology, sociology, law, medicine, maths, CAN YOU GUESS..

So a lot of my time will be taken up on studying (since i am a geek) Lol joke joke...I am probably watching House or Greys Anatomy to jerk my brain to function. Or spending all the time i have with my wonderful familia..lool JOKE JOKE AGAIN, i am just blinking day in and day out and time flies by.

But one thing i have become addicted to lately is POEMS!
Here is an amazing one:

By: Carol Ann Duffy

A suspicion, a doubt, a jealousy
grew in my mind,
which turned the hairs on my head to filthy snakes
as though my thoughts
hissed and spat on my scalp.

My bride’s breath soured, stank
in the grey bags of my lungs.
I’m foul mouthed now, foul tongued,
yellow fanged.
There are bullet tears in my eyes.
Are you terrified?

Be terrified.
It’s you I love,
perfect man, Greek God, my own;
but I know you’ll go, betray me, stray
from home.
So better by for me if you were stone.

I glanced at a buzzing bee,
a dull grey pebble fell
to the ground.
I glanced at a singing bird,
a handful of dusty gravel
spattered down.

I looked at a ginger cat,
a housebrick
shattered a bowl of milk.
I looked at a snuffling pig,
a boulder rolled
in a heap of shit.

I stared in the mirror.
Love gone bad
showed me a Gorgon.
I stared at a dragon.
Fire spewed
from the mouth of a mountain.

And here you come
with a shield for a heart
and a sword for a tongue
and your girls, your girls.
Wasn’t I beautiful
Wasn’t I fragrant and young?

Look at me now.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

September Season- Hello New Chapters



So basically it's a new beginning, a new academic year, a new chance!
Why am I so excited? Because we all love to turn the page of a book don't we? Whenever I read a new book and it get's to the climax and it becomes overwhelmingly exciting I CAN NOT WAIT TO TURN THE PAGE, OR START THE NEW CHAPTER.
So......That's most of us right now isn't it? September.

Every year we continue our book, and sometime's it's a new chapter, and sometimes it's just a new page.
For me this year is a New Chapter because I am in ....
High school? As if! That's over!

I'm talking about..


Yay Me (Excite like da Borat)

I said a major GOODBYE to my amazing Summer Holiday... Lol Joke.. I was pretty much a ZOMBIE...

Nonetheless, I was so excited to start the big and new University because I am finally here, I made it!
Though I looked like a fat slug creeping around the University campus and monstering my way around. When I started my attitude was pretty much 100% Optimistic, and I was ready to rumble, but the joke of the matter is that it wasn't how I expected.

..., It felt so overwhelming to be honest, seeing unrecognisable faces, and being afraid to talk to new people. Though I am SO SO grateful to have made a few friends so quickly, and through them I managed to make more friends. You know, I genuinely didn't expect there to be any if not a few Muslim girl's in my course, and to my SURPRISE there were SO SO many (Alhamdulilah) obviously I ran to them! Alhamdulilah my prayers were answered because I feel so much more comfortable not standing out alone, feeling like I belong really. It wasn't just a 'few' there were a lot of us, Maa Shaa Allah! If this taught me anything it is that Dua is our weapon because we ask and we get truly!

Anywhooooooo, So I was totally prepared to work hard but, all I could understand from the blabber jabber that everyone else seemed to understand was minimal, and all I could think was (I need to start revising, I really need to)

This will be a fun, challenging, and memorable 3 year's of a chapter that I hope goes slow and fun!

Comment, and let me know what your new chapter entails



Saturday 6 September 2014

Dear Diary- Why do I wear a Hijab, a covering, a Jilbab?

*Picture was taken Eid 2013*

I see a bright view ahead of me, no not literally, but hopefully.

~Reason being... I am an optimistic person with aspiration, dreams, hopes, and goals to be fulfilled.
~So often I come across obstacles, battles, and hardships that seem mighty in dismissing, heavy in passing, and burning in overcoming. The truth is, it just 'Seems' that way, but it isnt literally that way

Recently, I have noticed a heavy challenge facing Muslim girls with Covering-> HIJAB ♥#
Do you know what has come to my attention, and what has pushed me to write this post..the fact that I am NOT the only one struggling with this test, a lot of sisters, just like me find tests upon tests with Hijab, and so I want to share something special with you all my lovely sisters.

When I was 11 my mum asked me why I would wear my hijab one day, and take it off the next, and I didn't know the answer to that myself, because I wanted to look like my friends and have my hair out one day, and the next day I wanted to look like my other friends and have my Hijab on. But majority of the time I never wore a scarf, so my mother became alarmed (as I was reaching secondary school) So she gave me a beautiful talk. An unforgettable talk, in which my eyes lit open and my heart warmed to understand the true value of Hijab, so I promised to my mum, I told her that I will wear the scarf when I reach of age. She laughed at me, and said if your sisters don't wear it and they have way passed that age, what makes me believe you will?
And so I got to thinking, and I came to her and replied, because I understand mum.

~And with that, I was in high school without a scarf and all the other Muslim girls would wonder why I never wore one, and they would all think that I was from another country, maybe they never thought I was Muslim. But you know what, the longer I didn't wear a scarf, the more I longed for it. I couldn't WAIT to wear one. Only because I truly understood the value of a scarf.

~When I was 13 I was going out to the park with my sisters (who didn't wear scarf at the time, and they're older than me)
I came to the living room dressed, and wearing a scarf (Which i clearly remember it was black with shiny silver plaited design)
My mum and aunty dropped their mouths SHOCKED at the sight of me.
"Is that you?" She would ask me, and I just smiled saying "I can't wait mum" and she praised me so much and she was so happy for me, she told me to wait a little while and not to rush into it. I refused and begged her, I pleaded to wear my scarf. She was ecstatic and happy for me. She was so proud. Do you know why? Because all my other sisters were raised wearing a headscarf from a young age except me, I was raised without a scarf and I always wanted to wear it, and so I wore it by choice, I wore it because I understood it.

Now you might be wondering 'What I mean by understanding it' ...
What I mean is that there is so much more to the hijab than just covering the head from men. No no my dear sister.
Let me paraphrase.
Here's an explanation why...

If you had a precious thing, a really valuable, an unafforably expensive gift, what would you do to it?
Like a pearl, a pearl is really expensive, do you know where to find a pearl? Deep deep deep in the Ocean hidden away, hidden in a beautiful covering of a shell. And inside this beautifully covering shell is a single beautiful magnificent pearl. That is worth thousands and thousands!!... And what about Gold, one of the world's most luxurious assets, how do I find myself one of those beauties? Well you would have to pass it's hard exterior of protection and covering inside rocks, yes, Even Gold is hidden deep and covered.
Okkay you may be thinking that these things are wayyy too valuable, how about your phone, some people value their phones? You know why, because there are some precious things inside of it, so they would hate to drop their phone on the ground and damage it, expose it to water and ruin it, so they cover it.
Well in the same Manner, A Muslim woman is seen as a precious, valuable, queen, that is unfathomably respected and liberated by being given the worth of protection and venerated highly as she is esteemed and adored and weighed mighty in value. HENCE why we are told wisely with utter intelligence behind the divinity of the Ayah's of the Quran telling us to cover ourselves. Look now at the wonderful HIKMA behind this my wonderful sisters.

Now do you understand the complete serenity of it's elegant beauty?

That is what I saw from my Mother, and that is what I understood from her.

That is why I love it, and why I wear it proudly.

Lots of Love

Comment !

Thursday 28 August 2014

My summer 2014

This summer I was accompanied by the most wonderful, sweetest cousin of mines from Norway. So I spent my time being a tourist and guide!
Believe me it was fun.
But there were ups and downs.
Some hillarious days, and some rainy days (But that didn't stop us)

The ups (+)

-I live very close the heart of London so getting around was fairly easy, and I pretty much knew all the hotspots.
-The weather was lovely most of the time
-We got discounts (students) almost everywhere
-During summer there were so many events and opportunity
-Food just tastes much more savouring during summer holiday
-Being a tourist meant PHOTOGRAPHY! (YAY)

The downs (-)
-Travel costs are ridiculous for tourists (Tfl need to sort something out for them)
-Central London don't have enough Halal restaurants (frustrating because fish gets boring after a while)
-The weather had bipolar
-Not enough mosque's or prayer places in Central!
-It's always fun to be tourists as a group rather than just a few, but nonetheless it was amaze.

Here are some pictures that basically sum it up! xoxo- Comment and tell me about your summer!

Tuesday 26 August 2014

ALS- Ice bucket Challenge

Everyone go check out this website, and donate to the ALS organisation instead of throwing a bucket of water over your head.
As fun as it seems, it is starting to bother me, not the fact that people are doing the icebucketchallenge, but what bothers me is that a lot of ignorant fools are just nominating each other for the ALSIBC and not even donating, or not even spreading awareness of ALS. And this just hurts me. This is it. This is the same thing for Gaza, I feel like we just spread and share but we don't do, no donating, no aiding, no fundraising, just all talk. And that is what bothers me. People's innaction.

We can make a difference by donating, and explaining these things, not being idiotic and ignorant and having fun with the ALSIBC.

-------- xo

Saturday 23 August 2014


I just feel like I try so hard, with meaningless things, but I put so much effort and will and want into it; that I havnt acknowledged it may not go how I want it to go. 

Do you ever feel like you care too much about people who really couldn't care less about you, and not out of spite but because of distance. 😪

Friday 15 August 2014

A level Results 2014

First of all can I just say a BIG congratulations to all the A-level students in completing a hard 2 years of Sixth Form/College honestly these 2 years have been mad intense, and very challenging, but this is it, this is our outcome.
They say 'What you put in is what you get out' And this is very true. I guess we deserve this as it is our fate, and we should celebrate at our triumph. BECAUSE WE ARE GOING TO UNIVERSITY WOOOOO.
Okay- Okay- I am very excited and very happy that I got good grades ! andddd.. I got into my firm option for university, CENTRAL LONDON HERE I COME, ASTA LA VISTA! ........ more like ALHAMDULILAH! #TeamGrateful



Wednesday 13 August 2014

Svensk eller English?

Hejsan alla min blogg publik, jag kan se de flesta av människor som läser mina bloggar är Svenska, så jag har skapat detta blogginlägg för mina Underbara svenska fans, kan ni vänligen kommentera mer så att jag vet att du är där o läser. Tack en miljon, jag önskar er alla en bra dag.

Well hello to all my blog audience, I can see most of the people who read my blogs are British then Swedish, so I have created and dedicated this blog post for my lovely Swedish fans, please can you comment more often so that I know you are there reading. Thank you a million, I wish you all a great day.


Monday 11 August 2014

Locked in Regents Park

My cousin and I just came back from baker street, and that was all I could say *Wow*
We got on the train and I said to my cousin let me know any station that you want to get off at, which ever station sounded interesting would be the station we would get off at. So we were hardly on the train for long and my cousin said she wanted to get off at Baker Street, so we jumped off and scurried through the streets of London, more so exciting because now I get to be a tourist meaning I can snap as much photos as I like.
So we were feeling peckish and headed into Subways to buy a sandwhich, and so the man that was serving me was average looking but he was short. So I obviously didn't look twice at him but he must have been looking at me because eww I could see him staring at me, and so I ordered our meal and out of curiosity I asked him "Is it halal?" and he replied "What? Me or the Meat?" ! I just frowned feeling but my cousin who was sitting down was laughing her head off. We finished our food and headed back out and wondered around for ages taking pictures and pictures and roaming around like headless chickens until Maghrib prayer came on. Luckily Regents Park Mosque was near us so we hurried along to the mosque just in time, and by the door these two pretty sisters approached us and handed us a bag full of Asian sweets (yum) and kindly asked us to place it in the mosque as a form of charity I dont really know (I'm not a regular). So we went inside this wonderfully constructed holy Mosque and prayed the prayer, took some pictures of the beautiful Chandelier=

--- Here's a clear picture from google

Anyways, After we prayed it got dark very quickly and we didn't want to go home already, so we decided to take a stroll through the Park (Regents Park) it was lovely, the lake is calming, the swans are elegant, and the noise of life just stops when you take a breather by the bench, I tried to take photos but it was too dark, here are some photos I found online=

So we sat down and started to talk, one conversation led to another, and less people were surrounding us, another conversation to another, now all the people had gone, and after a while of dark park convo we heard some screaming but ignored it because it was far away, and then we chilled for a while and before you knew it the Isha Adhan from the mosque went off and we decided to leave.

Now here is the trouble. We couldn't leave, because they locked us in. The gates were sealed and locked. And that was the shouting we heard earlier. Eeek! We had to jump over the fence?
I wear a jilbab and she was wearing a maxi dress, this was double trouble!

Do you see those gates along the rail, well basically it was dark, and we had to jump over one at a time, and the people were looking at us as if we were bad, haha it was crazyyy! Her dress ripped on both sides and luckily my jilbab was alive and fine!

That sums up our mad night.

-------------------------Ta xo

Friday 8 August 2014

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Dear Viewer,

HEY GUYS BASICALLY ... I need more people to engage with my blog so please feel free to comment anonymously, and ask me questions!
Just yesterday I received my highest blog view count going unto 3000!
WHICH I AM SO HAPPY FOR! but what I want to know is ...
Who are these invisible ghosts?

Come Out Come Out!

So I was thinking, why not hold a Question and Answer, where you can ask me any questions!
And I will take a new approach to my blog posts this month, whereby you can ask me anonymous questions and I will wholesomely reply in a post stating 'Dear AppleGirl' for instance! I have done this previously on my Tumblr page where people would ask me for advice, but please dont ask me questions where proffesionals need to step in, i am just a girl who has a passion for writting, listening, reading and oh talking! #Toodles!

Tumblr page to ask Questions! -->

Thursday 31 July 2014

Can We Control Our Memories?

Have you ever felt like just writing? Because I feel like that right now, and quite frankly I feel like that majority of the time. Maybe it’s because I don’t know how to verbalise my thoughts; I mean don’t get me wrong I am not a shy person, I just suck at expressing my feelings verbally, even though I am strangely an exceptional listener it just doesn’t float vice versa. So here I am right now in my pyjamas, burning up in this 30degrees, and swivelling the chair from side to side whilst sitting by the desk at 4am. It’s summer holiday, hence the explanation of sleep deprivation, where has my sleep ran off to? Sleep is like a man, good at disappearing. Oh that was a harsh one. I’m not a feminist, lol no no, I don’t need feminism to liberate me when I am already euphoric with liberation.

Do you sometimes get random flashbacks of sweet memories? Just now my eldest sister and her 2 adorable daughters left the house on their way to the airport, vacation begins as of now. I took it upon myself to wake her up. She got up immediately and was kind of in a rush before the taxi man arrives. I woke up the world’s sweetest 3 year old, by lifting her up as she wrapped her legs and arms squeezing me, and I sat down cherishing her baby smell. She woke up happy at the realisation that it is time to go to the airport! She got dressed in virtually no time, and was jumping around making me laugh, telling me ridiculously made up babble. I just sat in awe with a plastered smile, and appreciated this cute little gremlin. Then it was time to wake up the world’s smartest and most ingenious 5 year old, oh and did I mention her mother is a soon-to-be-lawyer, thus making her as the oldest child naturally more observant with a fine eye. She is confident, smart, brave, and comical. Not the type to cry without purpose; amazing right. Normal kids will jump at the thought of going on a holiday. But not this little princess, she cried and nagged and was so fed up with me waking her up. I had to walk through an oceans tide to get her dressed and put a smile on her face. Once dressed she walked over to her mummy’s bed and threw herself back to sleep. I felt like I was seeing a grown up.
They left before I knew it. Every day they grow, and they will be gone for so long, I will truly miss them.

Can you control your flashbacks? Because whenever I think of a certain moment the same memories seem to replay in my head. I begin to wonder, perhaps the same very moment something happens is the same very moment that you have to regard it in your brain as something worth cherishing and storing as a memory. Thus you remember that next time, since you constructed its value. So in its essence are we controlling what we want to remember?

Saturday 26 July 2014

Ramadan 2014 Reflections

Wallahi i need to improve myself. And we all do.
There are many things that i have come to realise in this wonderful month of Self Reflection. (Ramadan 2014)

You cannot be 'practising' if you are not practising the deen.

-And, practising the deen consists of many voluntary ibaada (worship) that brings you closer to Allah SubhanaWa'ta'Ala.

-In this wonderful Ramadan i have realised that i am not taking that much action against time itself to benefit from it 'Time' truly. It's like i am sitting and waiting for opportunity, but i am not actively running around seeking success.
Okay, you might be slightly confused, but what i mean is that, as i came to the mosque i was so delighted to see regular faces and all those sisters who i usually see every Ramadan. At the beginning you do a quick catch up, like hey, what have you been up to this year etc etc... and just then your mind goes POP! as they list ALL the enriching acomplishments they have surpassed. Some people tell you they learnt Arabic this year, some say they have learnt the Tafsir of the Quran, some say they got married or had children, some shock you and say things like i went to study in Madina/Makkah/Egypt etc etc..
All the while i am just here like. WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW (Maa Shaa Allah)... Have i really entered the mosque from one Ramadan to the next just the same as i was since i last left.

Like i said:

It is so precious. And my value for it has magnified greatly this eye opening month. One evening i sat by my prayer mat after i finished praying. And the clock was ticking on the wall ahead of me, tick, tock, tick, tock, not stopping, not waiting, just moving, constantly ticking. Minutes passed by my very eyes, whilst i was just fascinated, and astonished by the terrifying beauty in time.

And all the while, this past year i haven't really made a 'wowing' change since the last Ramadan.

Here's a metaphor to help you understand;

**Let's say the road to being a true Muslim is full of long flights of stairs, and pathways.**
So, Am i really 'practising'? If i am not walking up the stairs any longer, what if i have just stopped walking up the stairs and this past year i have been sitting on the same step breathless. You know what i noticed? As soon as you start practising you walk up the stairs fast, then you start jogging, and then sprinting up the stairs, until you get to the tricky parts, you see hurdles and you hop over them, sometimes they knock you down, and you get back up running faster. But this year, it is as though i stopped at one step, and rested, and fell asleep, because this Ramadan i just woke up. I woke up realising how much is ahead of me, and it is time. For me to start again, the jogging and sprinting, for me to climb up again.
Thank you, Ya Allah, for opening my eyes to seeing this, because a lot of people fall asleep on this one step and don't wake up until the Angel of death comes to them. And i seek refuge in Allah from that.

-So i must get up, become more active in seeking opportunities whilst i am young. And look for Islamic classes to learn the Deen, Arabic and Quran. To implement sincerely and firmly what i already know. E.g. night prayers, reciting even more regularly, and being active in giving more charity.
To act upon basic Islamic manners such as respect, being more polite and friendly, listening, advising and understanding people, being shy, and being truthful.
To enhance my humility and humbleness to my Creator who is All-Seeing, All aware.
And to never, ever, delay or procastinate away from a deed; because if you lose the grip, it spills wild. So i need to race and compete in attaining good deeds.
And ultimately realise that all my actions are for The One and Only Ever living, Eternal one, the Most-Majestic, Most-Merciful Lord.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Thursday 10 July 2014

My dear Palestinians

My eyes haven't rested well, 
It is involuntary,
A biological force inside me, 
Only making me human,
Forcing reflexes of rivers out of me,
I can't stop. 

I can't stop what's happening to Palestine, I can't stop the pain I feel inside, what they feel, I am with them, I am of them, I feel what they feel. 

If your mother died how would you feel? You are from your mother right; the agonising hurt dragging you down-is what I feel for all those mothers, because they could very well have been my mother, or brother or child or relative. But they are human, and I am human, so I feel. 
That's why my eyes haven't rested. 

I can not stop crying. 
I will not stop crying to Allah. 
I have hope. 

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Q&A from Tumblr; ask me questions and i will reply

Hey sister, i just saw you'r blog, its really nice mashallah. You are actually really good in writting, i want to ask you, i have a question pls give me your advise. I want to get marry, but my parents think i am too young! I am 20, i dont think its too young, but i dont have brothers, and i dont talk to guys, and my father doesnt want me to get marry yet. I feel like running away, but this month of ramadan im learning patients, any advise? I seen you write post about love.

Thank you!! I love giving advice lol, okay, basically do not run away, thats not the answer. This is the blessed month of Ramadan, a month in which your Dua is more likely to be accepted, you need to really turn to Allah and cry in dua to him, if you want to get married ask Allah to make your parents understand you, ask Allah to bring you a righteous beautiful husband whom you and your parents will love. Have trust (Tawakkal) and faith in Allah that you will get married, but you have to sincerely stay patient, and keep asking Allah. My step sister told me about a her friend who wanted to get married to a guy who had green eyes and brown hair (very picky right?) Her family laughed at her, and they brought her someone not according to her full description and detail, and she had a meeting with him and refused him. Her family told her off and said she may not get another potential husband, and she said firmly, NO i put my trust in Allah that he will give me a righteous man with green eyes and brown hair, so she would stay awake every night praying night prayers, begging Allah for her specific husband. Before she knew it a man came to ask for her hand in marriage and he had green eyes but not brown hair and he wasn’t practising so well, so she rejected him, once again her family mocked her, and she had trust Allah would answer her dua, she remained patient, and then again another man came with green eyes and brown hair but he wasn’t practising, and she rejected him. She never lost hope and made sincere dua every night, and finally the man of her dream came, her family were shocked, and she was happy. So my advice is for you to pray to Allah in the night, do as much good deeds as you can, and sincerely remain patient, who knows Allah may bring you someone your parents will love and accept! So don’t run away sweety, love will come for you In Shaa Allah, you just have to wait and stay patient. xxxx hope this helped!

via Tumblr

Monday 30 June 2014

Welcome Ramadan ♥

We made it to see this blessed holy month, TAKBEER (shouts Allahu'Akbar)
I am so happy to witness once again such a festive season, full of love, happiness, ibaada, quran, Taraweeh prayers and oh so much more. We should really reap all the benefits of this month, and cherish it's rewards.

There are some things that I have noticed about what some of us do:
I will start with pointing out the good first!

We gather with our families for iftar, suhoor, and prayers.
We go to Taraweeh prayers
Give plenty charity
Recite Quran
Worship all night
Keep remembering Allah

Sounds good right, but the sad thing is not everyone sucks all the benifits of this month.
Some of the things I have noticed are (the bad):
We laze around sleeping (or in bed on your phone) for long
We pretend like it is a normal month and laugh all day and don't stop bad habits
We may gossip, lie as a joke, or do seemless haram things.
We don't read a lot of Quran
Watching TV and not realising that there is haram in it.

I don't mean to jump to conclusion and assume everyone is like this, it's just a word of #advice
Try to stay away from old bad habits, try to read Quran every single day!
Try to pray as much as you can, try to become closer to Allah, give as much charity as you can,
try to be kind to everyone, try to not watch TV, try to watch lectures as much as you can, learn something you never knew before, try to be happy and not complain about the fast, it isn't essentially about fasting from food, it is the complete spirituality you feel when you stay away from food, you feel hunger, and you gratefully turn to Allah in ibaada and in complete repentance.

Allah says in the Quran:
"Ramadan is the (month) in which the Quran was sent down, as a guide to mankind and a clear guidance and judgment (so that mankind will distinguish from right and wrong).." (Q 2:183)

Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain taqwaa." (Q2:183)

The most honored by Allah amongst you are those best in taqwaa."(Q 49:13)

..And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew." (Q 2:184)

Love you all, keep me in your Dua please, and stay consistent this month :D

Thursday 26 June 2014

Surround yourself with sisters

Asalamalykum, so today I rediscovered the true power that exists when you surround yourself with sisters. Honestly, for a while now I have been soaked up busy with dunya, stuck in school setting, surrounded with all sorts of people, and I never thought to myself that my daily routines of school-home-work-etc affected me in any way. I used to go to regular sister circles (halaqa’s) every Friday evening where every week my emaan would be boosted up- then again- next week re-boost! But for some reason (probably dunya dragging us apart for exams and school and work) we stopped the regularity, and it became every 2 weeks, then every month, then we would occasionally meet up. Mainly this was because we didn’t have a base to gather, the local mosque didn’t accept us strangely, and so we took it upon ourselves to gather for the sake of Allah feesabillilah, but after a while the meetings decreased, and so now I was left to battle dunya alone (and alhamdulilah I have my sisters who are practising too!)
I haven’t been to lectures for oh so long, feels like forever, but I kept watching them at home alhamdulilah, but it’s just not the same, I dunno, it feels like when you go out with the intention of benefiting, and learning something, or increasing your emaan whereby you are situated amongst many other people like you the whole atmosphere is in search of Allah’s reward and love, oh it is such a beautiful feeling. But I was deprived of attending any mosque lectures or classes, or circles. Whereby I was left alone to defeat the world. LOL THAT’S A MYTH.

This was going on for a long while, and without realising I was sucked into the sweetness of dunya forgetting my purpose, forgetting that sweet feeling of chasing Allah subhanaWa’ta’ala’s reward!
And today, I was privileged to have my beautiful mummy tell me to come with her to a near by masjid for Quran classes (which I never went to before because it was during school hours) so I gladly trotted along, and oh my, alhamdulilah! I suddenly BOOM was softly smacked in the head with a familiar feel and reminder of what I have been missing, the beautiful feeling of sitting in a mosque with many sisters surrounding me all reciting quran humbly, my people!
Occasionally there were sisters who walked in calling out “Asalamalaykum” and walk around shaking everyone’s hands, very nice, good example, ahhhh my heart melts at the sight of piety and goodness surrounding you!
Hence I have decided, that it is totally, completely wrong to yourself to remain hidden away from the company of sisters, just by being surrounded by them your heart fills with love of Allah and eagerness to be like them and compete with them humbly to be nearer to Al-Rahman ♥

Saturday 21 June 2014

Ramadan is approaching

I am so excited, even more so I am anxious to make it to Ramadan, we all talk like we are guaranteed to see Ramadan, just recently a girl tweeted how excited she was for Ramadan, the next day we found out she died. Scary.
I really pray we all live to see this Ramadan, and many more!

This is going to be a much needed month, of self containment, growing spiritually by increasing my emaan, and connecting with Allah. All those nights awake at the Masjid praying Taraweeh and Layl, then Fajr, aaah ♥

I love Ramadan, it is the best month all year round, honestly reap the rewards of the month ♥