Wednesday 12 December 2012


I love that peaceful beautiful feeling of being surrounded by so many ukhti’s in the mosque or sister circles, every time we go mosque I become so happy because every body shakes hands, talks to you, is so kind, so many people are so understanding.
It reminds me how beautiful islam is, everyone is one unity, All of us are striving for the sake Of Allah
I pray that we all experience the blissful feeling of emaan and sisterhood!

Friday 12 October 2012

Saturday 22 September 2012

Sunday 9 September 2012


Sometimes I feel like the people in this mosque are way too advanced than me, they stuff I don’t understand, I wish I had a teacher to quickly POW take me to the knowledge and emaan level these sisters are on, they know Arabic, I don’t, I need to learn one day IN shaa Allah!
For now I wont go to these lessons because everytime we are there I feel confused, ahhhh. I need begginers Islamic lessons.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Makkah, Madina, My Journey

The worlds most beautiful place ever, my eyes met the Kaaba but my heart spoke and my body reacted.. It was almost natural.. Tears just flew left right up and down.. Dont ask me how.. I cant fully describe it but I will try to my best ability;

Each footstep towards the centre of the earth was magnetic, the outside was crowded as thousands of pilgrims like I was heading here, I remember my mum holding me tightly.. Except she was holding my jilbab(long islamic dress cloak)
I remember my heartbeat speeding up I was so excited.. I set my eyes on the wall, gold designs all over, a tall humongous door for the enterance As the herds of the crowds pushed their way in slowly.. I was a dot out of a thousand and more.. As soon as we got inside my soul lifted itself and was so excited it was such a uplifting moment. I remember passing Muslims sitting down reciting Quran, and others just sitting pondering at the beautiful sight and others just minding their own business. I walked down the marble Stairs and at this point I could see the Kaaba my eyes decided to water as my heart decided to run a mile, my body which is typically cold decided to pay me back and turn warm, I was over whelmed.. I was here.. All praise to Allah- Lord of the worlds, the most powerful the most great... My mum was weeping with joy silently, this is what my eyes were missing out on.. We began to circumbulate around the Kaaba performing our umrah^
Rotating 7 hole times around the Kaaba seemed a lot at first but it sure went quick.. I remember the whole time my eyes were wet and I felt like my body was floating and I was just swirling amongst the crowd.. It was taraweeh time and sheikh Sudais was reciting.. Seeing him was like seeing a celebrity but much more becaus I have so much respect for him Allahuma Barik.. I felt at home I wish I could stay there forever.. I pray I can go back and live there.. My dream...

Sunday 8 July 2012

Dealing with Death

We all want to pretend like death isn't approaching us, because i am healthy and young right?


Death is sudden, and is inevitable. IT WILL COME. We are scared of it, and that is fine, its in our nature to be scared of endings, and to be afraid of what you dont know. A lot of people don't know what happens when you die, you know, the basic eternal questions, is there life after death, bla , bla, right.

Wrong again.

You see, we will all die, and new people will born and they will die, just let that sink in, you, will, die. A new baby will be born just how you were born, and will replace you, and you will be carried in your casket, and be dug under ground, far far 6feet under ground, people will one day maybe forget you, your essence will be gone, eventually, and you will rot, and be eaten by worms and maggots. Sounds disgusting right. Because we don't want to consider this happening to us. But it is fatal.

So now you are visualising you dead in your grave, immobile, lifeless, don't you just wonder, oh dont you just think, what was the point in life? You see that eerie feeling you get when you really think about this engrossing meaningful answer, and then you neglect it and brush it under,

Don't do that, don't ignore your intriguing mind when searching the truth, there is a slight inclination there, you see, that we are here in this strange planet, for a reason, a purpose, and we need to search deep for that.

I witnessed my most beloved pass away infront of me, my eyes clenched in niagra to become ductless, and i could not just contain such a view, i didnt scream or shout, or panic or yell or run around frantically.
I just stood there, amongst my family. Teary, and in shock. Good bye.
I am not afraid of the unknown because i know, what it is, i fully understand it, and NO it is not a paradigm or just my opinion, it is clear fact. ISLAM is clear fact. Life after death exists.

Saturday 30 June 2012

West London Mosque

SALAM- My sister heard about this mosque in West London, and her friend told us to come with her and check it out, they do good lessons there, and it may help me start practising Islam!
We went with her, at first I was kind of scared because I don’t dress like the sisters they all wear big jilbabs, and niqabs, and I wear just abaya, I saw so many sisters so kind to each other.
I feel like they are closer to Allah than me, and I really want Allah to love me. I want to attend these classes every Sunday and become better like those girls, they all were so beautiful and so kind, and I want to be like that. They have so much knowledge, but I have none!
My favourite teacher comes here too!
Oh pls make dua that I become better.

Friday 15 June 2012

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Year 11 and mega stress

These times stress me out. So much work to do! So little time, and I just can't see myself to motivate myself. 

I try really hard to get good grades, I just wish I didn't muck up in year 10, and really got better grades so now all I would need to do is focus and better my grades. Where did time go?

Times were fun, and flew past. And now. I have God knows how many re-takes and exams! Miss Robertson is the only teacher taking this serious, Mr Lawrence is starting to motivate me, partly because I am improving! And maths is a joke. 

All I can see myself to do now is jump on the wagon, suffer my non-attending prom fantasy, whilst I go and socially ruin my last year of high school, my friends will get rusty, haha, Anyways I don't need  it to be happy, I am already content. #greatfull! 

Saturday 3 March 2012

Sometimes we expect more than what's given

My thoughts over-ride me, is there something un-friendly about me? Why do my friends distance from me? I give to much in a friendship, and want the same back, but I don't even care if they don't give that back, Just want the good old days!