Wednesday 21 May 2014

Capturing essence

We came to the park excited and ready to soak up some summer love...My big sister and the kids were already there playing in the playground, and so I ran up to the kidds and lifted them up- played with them for a while (So glad the park was empty so I could be extra me- Crazyy!) But I had a strange feeling as soon as I stepped foot into the park. I told the kids to be careful and sensible, telling them to keep an eye on the youngest (3 year old)and off we went to the grass side and laid down the matt and us girlies sat down to picnic! But my adrenaline was high for some reason, and my head kept tilting back at the kids keeping a close eye on them- hoping nothing bad happens or dreading an accident.
YUM oreo ice-cream, and salads from tesco kept me busy for a while, until I heard a loud squeel from the playground..
and to my surprise I see the youngest my little princess Ray on some high pillar where all the other kids climbed on, she couldnt get down, so I got up and ran to her hoping she didnt attempt to get down- because ouch, that would have been an ugly sight! I managed to get her down, and told her not to climb on high places and pointed to where she can play and where she cant!

Ahh, back to the picnic, the girls were telling me to calm down, because apparantly i was over reacting and over-protecting since kids will always be 'kids'
They reminded me of when we were younger in Sweden we used to play in the woods and climb tree's without parental watch, so the kids will be fine. Okay I thought, I told myself calm down now! but I just couldnt!!

The kids came to me and asked if we could go see the ducks and swan's by the lake, so I got up (mainly because I wanted to take photos) and we went to enjoy the view, so beautiful, and mesmorising ahhhh!

........But I was still anxious- and feeling strange like I had to be extra careful?
Then comes running my princess ray (3 year old) and so I grabbed her making sure she doesnt fall over the edge, and it was okay there was only the 3 little girls with me, we sat and enjoyed the view, until this family come with 4 little kids who are holding bread bits and started feeding the ducks, so the ducks came closer in search for some food! And by now the kids were begging me to feed them, and I firmly said No, we dont have bread- plus the edge wasn't so safe (easy to slip off)
My younger brothers come running with crips, and start to throw it all around, and I got a bit annoyed, told them off, but by now all the kids were surrounding the edge trying to touch and feed the birds. Ugh, I yelled out telling them to keep away, and telling Ray to come back! Everything was so calm and relaxing before this influx of kids LOOK:

Then all of a sudden, my little princess Ray fell over the edge, rolling down the stoney sand and into the ducks and BAM diving into the water, bruising her elbows a little, but she is a fighter and she is okay (Alhamdulilah!)
I became so FURIATED and yelled at the kids to go back to mummy, and picked her up, ugh. My feeling was right all this time, I could sense something was going to happen. My baby was crying, and scared. I was so annoyed, I am her aunty and I love her like she's my child ahha.
Anywhooo- her mummy came running, and everyone apologised to me saying I guess you'r senses were right. eek

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Summer's touch, and the red kisses. Smooch

Love does not claim possession,
but gives freedom.

“We fight for the outer freedom.
We cry for the inner freedom.

Flowing breezes with gentle heat
Fragrant flowers scents so sweet
Blinding sunshine from up above

With the outer freedom, we see and rule the four corners of the globe.
With the inner freedom, we see the Soul and become the Goal of the entire universe.”

Monday 19 May 2014

A light day, a light life.

So today I feel happy- You know why- I ate healthy, haha, no really I am serious, a early morning, excersising and healthy diet = HAPPY LIFE woo!

Steps to healthy lifestyle
1. Dont over sleep, or else you will just get a headache, and miss the beauty of the morning, and actually the wind of morning will pass by, Seriously I believe the morning gives out a bit of wind that is oompf nice!

2. Have a yummy breakfast, no such thing as skipping breaky, no no! Take a few secs rampaging the kitchen and see what your tummy wants- have different things every morning!

3. Walk more than you did yesterday, so instead of taking the bus the whole way, get of one stop and walk it, or park a bit further than usual!

4. Make someone else HAPPY so you feel happy, by being optimisting, and giving advice, you reflect on your own happy self!

5. Eat 3 meals, snack often, drink plenty water, and mix the types of meals your eating, like fish for lunch and potato mash for dinner etc! And drink a LOT of water!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 18 May 2014

A Summer's breeze

I feel as though summer does me well. Honestly I am so happy in Summer, does anyone else feel like that too?
Apart from the immense revision, and exam stress, it's sunny, it's beautiful, and I am busy photographying.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Jilbaby photography

Here's the deal- My photography shots will be in terrible quality in the mean while, since i have to cope with this terrible camera for the time being, and i have discovered that my favourite pictures are'nt everyone elses, but one thing i can say is that You cant be everyones cuppa tea
So i will continue to prosper in attempt, and you can keep critisising or appreciating!


Monday 12 May 2014

A lovely day. But a boring one at that.

P R O C A S T I N A T I O N.

I am not the only one suffering exam stress, let's be real, every 18 year old in the country doing A-levels is with me, high five sista. Lol well I am the only one being a saddo. Okay bye bye. Says me ever, let me just enjoy the window view, ahh

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Today, was very positive

What a plenty in surprises kind of day it is!

My friend got into her chosen university CONGRATS and I am so happy for her honestly! ♥ -you know who you are! Well done!
And my big sister started her first job from graduating, and it's gone well so far, they seem to like her, and she may have saved a life already? She reminds me so much of Meredith Grey from Greys Anatomy

On top of that, do you remember on my previous post a while back about my Teacher that hated me, and I swear was so ruthless to me, welll..... here's the deal-e-o!

We had an entire month to write up our first coursework draft, and then she would mark it, but during this month I was going through a hard time, on-top of that university interviews (Twas tough man)! But I had to do, what I needed to do, and managed to get a D- grade? UHG I WAS SO FRUSTRATED because I wanted an A or A*!!! So I cried, it dawned on me the importance of my coursework grade that is 40% of my total English Literature grade... so she gave it back to us all to improve, and we had just a weekend to fix, and I slaved, and stayed awake each night completing and rewritting and completely changing my work around, and then comes friday due date, and I was frankly NOT satisfied with what could be a C grade, when I aim for A*!
So what to do? Well I just didnt hand it to her, I was a walking zombie, had no sleep, and worked on my essay non stop, trying to improve it, hoping she will accept it late, but she wouldnt have it! and thus she and all the head teachers were in a thread email, where she bullied me into giving it to her, and it was terr-ible- I couldnt afford a bad grade, my university will be at stake, I need a good grade! I WILL NOT ACCEPT MEDIOCRE. Ahaha, at least I will try to get the best!
So she kept sending me emails, threading in the head teachers, and it was during Easter holiday everyday I worked on my piece, and with some research on the specification online discovered so many things my teacher hadn't told us, for instance the footnote system, the way to bring in quotes and analytical interpretations, and I was shocked, so I completely re-did my work, and to my best ability, completed it, and after half-term returned to her, and begged her to accept my work, and explained my situation. She accepted it, and marked it. I bet she expected it to be a fail. UH no.

I got an A for my work, and I am grateful. From an D- to an A. Thank God. My reaction, was-----...