Wednesday 23 April 2014

I am Walking Zombie, super tired of this.

Today was a hectic day.
Firstly I slept last night at 5:30am! and woke up at 7AM!
I never skip breakfast, but had to have tea and run out!
And face my worst nightmare...DUN DUN DUNNN... joke, but my worst teacher student situation... on another upcoming blog.
And so my friend and neighbour called me to come over, and I need some TLC!!!
Just as I was about to leave, my little brother's friend came running to me with a bleeding ear!
I, being a soon to be pediatric, ran to help him, and cleaned him up (First aid training, thank you v.much)
And few, that was sorted, then as I now was about to leave, my sisters and I decide to laugh and have jokes, then it turns into booty shaking competition. HAHA you can imagine...

And finally, I escaped...UNTIL I had to walk my brother's friends home, (Just a little walk)
Then I went to her house, and few, knocked, waited, knocked again, pressed the doorbell, and waited, and waited, and just as I was about to leave, they open. Well hello.

We went inside, and they ordered PIZZA!!! PERFECT TIMING.

Thennnnnn, she was in a not-so-happy mood, and I felt really in need of attention, laughter, and silliness, and instead there was a lot of distance, silence, and occasional laughter inbetween the singing outburts we had. I love my friends, they are honestly inspirational, each and every single one. But I feel like I always know when something is wrong, and spend my all to help that person, and just once, sometimes, I need someone to look at me, lol, I dont intend to sound like a needy brat, but honestly, I want that reassurance that I dont have to always bottle everything inside.
I do have this 2 friends, they dont understand how much they means to me, always knows when something is wrong with me,they spends every wakening hour with me in school, and they truly amazing. I need a hug, and to tear up, and to speak. But for now, only my invisible audience on my blog can share my nonesense emotions.

So I was walking home, in the rain, and this darkness of a weekday, a beautiful pathway from her block to mines, the street lights dimmed away with my watery blinking eyes, and my over-contemplating mind.
Here's my photography shot.

Goodnight finally.


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