Saturday 30 June 2012

West London Mosque

SALAM- My sister heard about this mosque in West London, and her friend told us to come with her and check it out, they do good lessons there, and it may help me start practising Islam!
We went with her, at first I was kind of scared because I don’t dress like the sisters they all wear big jilbabs, and niqabs, and I wear just abaya, I saw so many sisters so kind to each other.
I feel like they are closer to Allah than me, and I really want Allah to love me. I want to attend these classes every Sunday and become better like those girls, they all were so beautiful and so kind, and I want to be like that. They have so much knowledge, but I have none!
My favourite teacher comes here too!
Oh pls make dua that I become better.

Friday 15 June 2012