Wednesday 30 April 2014

How to find Love

In my recent discovery I have found that you will not find something that is in front of you, unless you stop searching high and low. The same applies for love. We all want that security, and comfort, the love and warmth daily. But, to go out into the streets, desperate and eager to stumble upon Mr Charming won’t benefit you. Honestly. I have lately been digging the roots as to how and why I should find myself Romeo, but in my attempt I discovered the misfortune behind it. Truly. There is love. I do have the optimism to believe it exists. It does. Some say it’s rare. I believe it’s something that you have to build. But the lust has to be natural. The infatuation has to be persistent. And lastly, the comfort between the two has to be in-rooted.

My imagination of ‘Love’ was: *PICTURE THIS*- A blurry pink-faded background with flowers and hearts decorated beautifully, a shining aura of happiness and scent. I envisaged me to be happy, laughing, and cute, whilst he is teasing me, tickling, and funny. I over-dose my thoughts in an opium of love.

SNAP out of this excruciating fantasy I told myself recently, this doesn’t exist. No. It’s purely a teenage wish. Of course I do want the pink faded blurry realism of love that I imagined it to be like, however, it comes in its own time. Love isn’t something that can be chased, rather we walk towards it.

To me, it is as though we are all prepared before we find love, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The decree of love stumbles upon us once we have discovered, learnt and grown.

Thus, I figured. To fall in love you have to cue in the line. Then join the lessons, fail, re-try, then pass, and then like a building that needs no limit- build till the stars. Yes. This is me sounding so cheesy even France would refute me. But, I won’t admit that this is my view on how to find love.

If you need to camp out whilst waiting>


Firstly, I do need to my Mr right. I will let God bring me him in its due time.


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