Monday 19 May 2014

A light day, a light life.

So today I feel happy- You know why- I ate healthy, haha, no really I am serious, a early morning, excersising and healthy diet = HAPPY LIFE woo!

Steps to healthy lifestyle
1. Dont over sleep, or else you will just get a headache, and miss the beauty of the morning, and actually the wind of morning will pass by, Seriously I believe the morning gives out a bit of wind that is oompf nice!

2. Have a yummy breakfast, no such thing as skipping breaky, no no! Take a few secs rampaging the kitchen and see what your tummy wants- have different things every morning!

3. Walk more than you did yesterday, so instead of taking the bus the whole way, get of one stop and walk it, or park a bit further than usual!

4. Make someone else HAPPY so you feel happy, by being optimisting, and giving advice, you reflect on your own happy self!

5. Eat 3 meals, snack often, drink plenty water, and mix the types of meals your eating, like fish for lunch and potato mash for dinner etc! And drink a LOT of water!!!!!!!!!!


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