Thursday 26 June 2014

Surround yourself with sisters

Asalamalykum, so today I rediscovered the true power that exists when you surround yourself with sisters. Honestly, for a while now I have been soaked up busy with dunya, stuck in school setting, surrounded with all sorts of people, and I never thought to myself that my daily routines of school-home-work-etc affected me in any way. I used to go to regular sister circles (halaqa’s) every Friday evening where every week my emaan would be boosted up- then again- next week re-boost! But for some reason (probably dunya dragging us apart for exams and school and work) we stopped the regularity, and it became every 2 weeks, then every month, then we would occasionally meet up. Mainly this was because we didn’t have a base to gather, the local mosque didn’t accept us strangely, and so we took it upon ourselves to gather for the sake of Allah feesabillilah, but after a while the meetings decreased, and so now I was left to battle dunya alone (and alhamdulilah I have my sisters who are practising too!)
I haven’t been to lectures for oh so long, feels like forever, but I kept watching them at home alhamdulilah, but it’s just not the same, I dunno, it feels like when you go out with the intention of benefiting, and learning something, or increasing your emaan whereby you are situated amongst many other people like you the whole atmosphere is in search of Allah’s reward and love, oh it is such a beautiful feeling. But I was deprived of attending any mosque lectures or classes, or circles. Whereby I was left alone to defeat the world. LOL THAT’S A MYTH.

This was going on for a long while, and without realising I was sucked into the sweetness of dunya forgetting my purpose, forgetting that sweet feeling of chasing Allah subhanaWa’ta’ala’s reward!
And today, I was privileged to have my beautiful mummy tell me to come with her to a near by masjid for Quran classes (which I never went to before because it was during school hours) so I gladly trotted along, and oh my, alhamdulilah! I suddenly BOOM was softly smacked in the head with a familiar feel and reminder of what I have been missing, the beautiful feeling of sitting in a mosque with many sisters surrounding me all reciting quran humbly, my people!
Occasionally there were sisters who walked in calling out “Asalamalaykum” and walk around shaking everyone’s hands, very nice, good example, ahhhh my heart melts at the sight of piety and goodness surrounding you!
Hence I have decided, that it is totally, completely wrong to yourself to remain hidden away from the company of sisters, just by being surrounded by them your heart fills with love of Allah and eagerness to be like them and compete with them humbly to be nearer to Al-Rahman ♥


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